Thursday, November 29, 2007

#20 You too can YouTube

There are so many videos on YouTube and as with most things there are good and bad ones amongst them. I initially tried searching for videos on "information technology" to try and get something funny about the IT industry but after looking at some bad taste videos, some boring ones and numerous descriptions of IT courses I decided to change topics. I checked out The Categories link and found it quite useful and selected the "Travel and events" category. I initially narrowed my search to Broome and then Cable Beach as I have recently holidayed there but didn't really like the ones I saw. Then I decided to browse the list of featured travel videos that had been put together by the editors (figuring they were bound to be good quality). It's quite amazing what is actually on YouTube - by accident I found a video clip of the Bandaid song "Do they know it's Christmas" from the 1980s. YouTube looks like a good resource for old music and music clips.
The video of "Winter lights on Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland" caught my eye because I have always wanted to visit Disney land. Snow on the castle is also quite magical and very appropriate when you think of the fact that we are approaching Christmas.

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